Ilya’s Gambit

Title: Ilya’s Gambit
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Age Group: Adult
Length: Novel
Status: In Revision

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Born to rule the city of Sorrena in her mother’s footsteps, Ilya Valerius spent her entire life preparing for that destiny—until Emperor Cassius Ryszard conquered her city. As a hostage under the watch of Captain Lucien, first in command of the emperor, she develops a gambit to free her people: seduce the captain, learn the empire’s secrets, take them all down from within.

A swordsman and powerful wielder of illusion magic, Lucien lives a life of organized discipline, following the tenants of Emperor Ryszard. He never questioned his role in the empire or the man who saved him from starvation as an orphan, until he met Ilya. She rouses his desire and distracts his thoughts more than he dares admit. When Ilya reveals that he may have been kidnapped by the emperor, not orphaned, he begins to question which side of the war he truly belongs on.

Ilya didn’t expect to lose her heart in her quest to free her people. Especially to one of the emperor’s magically gifted captains. Destroying the empire means betraying Lucien. For Lucien, loving and protecting Ilya is treason. Each will have to determine where their heart and loyalties lie to forge a future together—if the emperor doesn’t kill them first.